Monday, August 26, 2013

If I don't stop painting, these won't be dry in time....

There's an open show coming up.  And one of the rules, not too surprisingly, is NO WET PAINTINGS.  So, if I don't stop fiddling with these, there will be no submissions! Besides, I can only submit two.  I'd love to know which ones you prefer and why (or why not).  I'd also love to hear your suggestions for titles.  (Naming paintings is like combining poetry and salesmanship, with a little woo-woo thrown in.)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about art so forgive my ignorance regarding this style. I LOVE these. Love them. I love the dark lines around different shapes. I love the pastoral scenes. I love the tree shadow on that white house. Really well done, you. I am deeply impressed by your overall coolness. :-)