Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Sunday with some of the family.

 My son called unexpectedly and invited me to watch the Bruin's game last Sunday.  In spite of significant traffic tie ups because of Boston's St. Patrick's Day parade, I arrived  in plenty of time to enjoy him, my daughter-in-law and HRH the grand-daughter. Every time the call, I am charmed and delighted and glad we made the upheaval to come to New England.

 I love noticing how she is growing up! I can SEE Erik Erikson's developmental stages unfolding.  and   Jean Ilsey Clarke's Developmental Life Affirmations for children AND parents, come naturally to mind.
And I can see myself in her enthusiastic embrace of life and loving.

Who doesn't feel like a rock star in dark glasses?
Oh, the wonderment!!
I'm all for Mama, and she's all for me.
 I've got Daddy and you don't!

We had a mind boggling conversation in which I told her she was Daddy's baby, and that Daddy was my baby.  You could almost SEE the gears going around!
 Their beautiful dog Bailey is middle aged and calming down.  He is SUCH a loving companion.
She hugs all the world to her.  And I believe the world hugs her back.

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