Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day trip to Concord (without Paul Revere)

More and more often, we wake up and just don't know what we're going to do that day.  Some things are time sensitive and we can't do yet.  Some things we can't do until we take possession of the house.

So... last week we explored the town of Concord.
Thunderstorms were predicted so the clouds and sky played peekaboo all afternoon.
Upon first arriving on "Main Street" (you would not believe how many small New England towns actually HAVE a main street that is CALLED "Main Street") I found the cupola of the Unitarian Church framed by brick work (possibly chimneys) on a building between it and me.
As often happens, my appetite was for exploration and DH's appetite was for food.  We found a trendy (and possibly pretentious) deli/cafe/bistro in the middle of Main Street.  My almost favorite part of the restaurant was the mosaic/painted counter by the cash register.  Great Mediterranean colors!

I had a Big BLT panini... WITH avocado.  It reminded me of the summer sandwiches my father used to make.  Nice memory.
I had discovered that Concord had a craft gallery called Lacoste... and there it was: right across from the bistro.

They were  having a wine/cheese and cracker reception honoring their exhibition of Warren Mackintosh work.  I wasn't familiar with his work, but I liked it immediately.  Definitely earth-related.  Functional and interesting shapes with muted glazes.
My very favorite pieces were what Mackintosh called "button boxes."  (I'm kind of a sucker for artistic containers and boxes).  I don't know if these were thrown as two pieces that fit together, or whether they were carved and then hollowed out.  I especially like the curlicue "buttons"  which make it LOOK like they are hinged.
The gallery specializes in ceramics of all types and hand made jewelry.

Tea pots are hard to make... especially to have them be artistic AND functional.  I'm not positive this one fits the criteria.
Kathleen Kiley's bracelets seemed to be made of unusually shaped wooden "beads" strung on to either thread or elastic.  I didn't touch them, so I am not sure... and I could not find her on line, either.
This book about Karen Barnes probably supported a previous exhibition.  The on-line pages about her indicated that she had already been making pots for 60+ years.  From the cover of this one, none of that time was wasted!

The town abounded with "New England 'cute'" touches... The overflowing flowering pot on a tripod, teak bench outside a shop.
I photoshopped a couple of images.  I don't know if I will ever actually paint them or not.  You can click on them and see larger versions that look a bit more painterly.

The Unitarian church, Western exposure.
When is a rotary a round about?
The stone was dated 1888--- and looked comparatively new.
I don't quite understand the significance of this sign... but there it was... big and bold right in the light of sight near the War memorial.
Not sure if this was the town hall of a Congregational church.  There was to be a Barbershop Quartet concert that one fellow I spoke to was very excited about.
Memorial for all branches of the service and all wars since WWI.
Concord has RED fireplug with silver paint.
The window of a florist's shop.  Lovely pinks and pastels, don't you think.
The Albright Art gallery and supply was really an art supply shop.  They carried plenty of paints, pens and papers, although the young woman at the counter didn't really seem to know much about them.

I'm putting some of their books on my wish list!

They carried a full line of R&F  pigment sticks as well as other paint bars that are typically used in encaustic art.
Great welcome mat.

There isn't a derby near by... but I guess going to "the club" for tea or drinks might require a fancy summer hat.  I really liked the purple one.  But me in that had would be way to much of a good thing.  Trust me.
Another bit of "cute" in Concord.
My therapist friends and I teased that EVERY daily event could be "grist for the mill" (of therapy).
Low and behold... her was the mill.
The toy store had closed by the time I got to that end of Main street.

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