Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reason's Greetings, Y'all! by Sultry
Reason's Greetings, Y'all!, a photo by Sultry on Flickr.

Best wishes of the season to all the artists and photographers who have shared their work and been so supportive in 2011! Happy New Year, too.

Solstice Tribute

O, shining star of solstice time,
Your radiant hours are few.
You turn and strike
the New Years chime —
We owe our lives to you.
These darkest days of winter,
We miss your warming rays;
But every year this hemisphere
Returns to brighter days.

Since olden days the human race
Has feared your warmth would die.
The evergreen is ever seen
As hope we will survive.
O, ancient drums stop beating,
And superstitions fall!
It's time for Reason's Greetings,
For peace, goodwill to all.


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