Monday, December 29, 2008

All sun all day. NO clouds.
And even so, DH and I stayed in "vacation" mode. Late brunch (although Dunkin' was out of eggs (and last time were out of croissants) so we ended up at Main Street Bakery, which was nicer. Browsed a bunch of shops, then headed to "the polo mall" (in that there used to be polo fields near by) and Starbucks where I sketched. Then more wandering, walking and chatting about all and sundry.
Off to get some knitting done!


mARTa said...

Oh, may that drowsiness of sunshine last you for a few more days!

Ginger*:) said...

How Beautiful. We have gray skies again today, but they are persuading tiny snowflakes to float through the air. Lazy little flakes that have been coating the ground since about 3am are covering the already snowy pathways.

Thank you for the nice and encouraging comment on my blog. I enjoyed reading through your posts, and especially liked your choices for children's books. As an illustrator, my focus is always on the art, but I love a good story!