Friday, August 10, 2007

Biology 101?

I don't know anybody who wants the phrases 'fat necrosis' or 'oily cyst' applied to them.

They are both better, however, than 'recurrence of cancer.' Trust me!

And now that I know the name of what was going on in that newly, differently lumpy part of me, and have done some research, I can even enjoy the fact that it is pretty common, especially with the advent of seat-belt use, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or breast cancer surgery. (i.e. trauma can cause fat necrosis which can turn into a cyst.)

There are articles here, here, here, and here. Some even have mammograms, if you're interested.

What I liked best about today's mammogram and interaction with the radiologist was the check in the box that said:

No abnormalities or indications of cancerous conditions
were seen in your mammogram.


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! A glass of wine in celebration of fat necrosis and piece of mind.

Lori Witzel said...

Whew, and hurrah!

I'll lift a glass of a nice cool adult beverage in your honor tonight, and send you wishes for health and joy.

wenders said...

Yay! That IS a good box to check!

The Patients Advantage said...

Great blog! Thanks. I recently had breast reduction surgery and by accident I stumbled upon I used them when looking for a surgeon.

What I liked the most was that my profile remained anynomyous until I was ready to decide what to do. I received replies from four surgeons that met all the things I was looking for. I liked having that complete control without the sales pressure that some of these places can be known for.

If you are going to go down the cosmetic surgery road...better to be safe than sorry. Check them out.