Saturday, October 01, 2005

Got Gauge?
Well, Ann Zimmerman's patterns are a trip. Many of her terms are ambiguous to my (relatively) modern eyes. I wasn't sure of the wraps-per-inch of "Shetland wool" so I boucht some inexpensive, pretty Plymouth Encore Colorspun. HOWEVER... there is NO way it will knit to 6 sts per inch. So... now I get to multiply her pattern by 5/6. Thank goodness for calculators.

If I didn't reduce the pattern, I do believe the Surprise Baby Jacket would be more aptly named Surprise GORILLA Jacket. Who can imagine a baby with a 30 inch cuff to cuff measurement? !!!!!


Nancy said...

Hi, glad to find you again. For the last couple of days, I clicked on your blog (under my favorites) and you weren't there. I was worried.

I read your post about doing what needed to get done. I'm glad you're going through with your treatments and are helping others to face what it is a very difficult decision.

I look forward to seeing your pictures.

wenders said...

that is totally the same colorway that i have. weird.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I am enjoying your blog and keeping you in my prayers as you recover. You might be interested in another soul's journey on the road to recovery, his road has been a long one, but thankfully he is still around with his wonderful sense of humor and creative talent.
His name is Paul and I keep a link to his site on my blog.,
You and others will enjoy his stories for children, his reflections on his life and his deep respect for nature.
I will be back to see the progress of your beautiful knitted creations.