When I left later in the day to meet my daughter, there was just enough ambient light and light from the garage to make it look like it could be cozy. But remember it wasn't more than 20 degrees. If I were 30 years younger, maybe I'd be climbing that ladder and pushing off snow... but surely it's ok to forego that now.
I did, however, pay A LOT to have a contractor do as much of our roof as we could afford.
I'm sure you've heard. The snow here is DEEP.
This first picture isn't our house. It's just an example of what looks normal in our town.
Sneaking out your bedroom window got a lot harder over the last two weeks. This house is just down the road from us. Doesn't look like they've shoveled anything but their driveway... except whoever's in the corner bedroom wanted to see out!
This is the view of our house from half-way up our driveway. You may be able to see that Tom (a contractor) has made a four foot deep dent in the snow on the main part of the house.
And if you make a dent, it means there has to be a lump somewhere else, right?
What Tom moved from the roof is now piled up higher than the front porch rails.
I can no longer see what I considered "the garden."
Did I say that these rocking chairs on the porch were no longer my "happy place"?
Tom was well trained. He did not leave the alleged pathways re-filled with snow. This picture is of the snow being blown out of the path. The path is deep enough and low enough that you cannot see Tom OR the snow blower. I'm pretty sure Tom is at least 6 feet tall.
I don't know if this is the snow blower kicking snow UP, or if it is Tom pushing snow DOWN (off the roof).
I suppose I should be glad it isn't a ghost or a poltergeist. It isn't something you see everyday.
An art shot showing how glum, dark and dismal the view is from my desk.
In the dusky light with the porch lights, it almost looks cozy. Yes, it's cozy inside, but it is still in the teens or lower outside. And I'm taking bets for when the snow is all melted....
Tom worked from the West end of the house toward the East. You can see that he's cleared about 2/3. He came back the next morning and did the East end and the "breezeway" (lower brick clad section to the left). I am hoping that since the back of the house didn't have a less sloped roof over a porch area it will be OK "as is." Snow is remarkably heavy. You need a calculator to figure out if your roof is up to the task.
More snow is predicted for tomorrow... if the temperatures stay as low as they have been, it'll mean another foot of "light, dry" snow. If it warms up we'll get heavy, wet snow, or what they call "wintry mix" --maybe "only" three inches. And Sunday it is supposed to warm up to the 40's; we'll see how long it take to even notice if any of it is melting.
Hoping I don't have personal images like these to show you any time soon.
And of course if the temperatures fall after that... it'll all be ice.
Oh, Joy.
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