Friday, May 14, 2010

I've been reading an odd but interesting book entitled What Painting Is by James Elkins. He has some amazing closeups of paintings by Monet and others. So I've been paying more attention to my own. They certainly aren't "alla prima," but I am trying to keep things more interesting. Have you ever tried to daub or scribble withOUT making it "directional"? or with all the strokes being different sizes and shapes. Ay Caramba!
I spent longer than usual strategizing on the colors, lights, and darks than usual. Of course that meant that I ALMOST forgot to do my composition checklist. Ay Caramba!
DH took the day off and we had a nice breakfast, but then he was very deliberate about making sure I had all afternoon (and until the beginning of the NHL Eastern Conference Finals) to paint.
About half of the time I spent on juggling aspects in some of my photographs. Then I was off to underpainting. This is a much darker background than I usually intend. I hope I can give the impression that the blooms themselves are catching light from the right... and that there is something going on behind the bouquet, but that it isn't overly distracting.
Comments and observations welcome!
This is oil on gessoed board 24 x 24.

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