Friday, April 30, 2010

A Meme from Woolly Mutts who got it from somebody else... Let me know what YOUR answers are!!

1.Do you like bleu cheese? Adore it. We eat fungus/mushrooms, why not mold?
2.Have you ever smoked? For a few years in college. Quit in relief when Nixon resigned!
3.Do you own a gun? What? Me a gun? Not a chance. I wouldn't even let my son have toy guns. But I'm thinking about target shooting.
4.Favorite type of food? Salt + Fat + Sugar, especially if it is a cookie with chocolate
5.Favorite type of music? Piano and classic jazz and 60's rock.
6.What do you think of hot dogs? Seldom.
7.Favorite Christmas movie? The Grinch
8.What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee or Diet Coke
9.Can you do push ups? Nope.
10.What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring
11.Favorite hobby? Knitting or reading, drawing or painting -- can't do more than one at the same time.
12.Do you have A.D.D.? No, I have no excuse.
13.Do you wear glasses/contacts? Contacts. For forever.
14.Middle name? Has varied over time. My current surname is my old middle name. Now I use the middle initial "S."
15.Name three thoughts at this exact moment: Will it arrange at tomorrow's art festival? Will I ever be thin & healthy? What next?
16.Name three drinks you regularly drink: Crystal Lite Lemonade, Coffee, water
17.Current worry? See #15 and add retirement planning
18.Current hate right now? No hate. Lots of disdain.
19.Favorite place to be? Next to my husband. Next to my husband in Massachusetts or vacation would be perfection.
20.How did you bring in the new year? Ummm....I don't remember. I think I fell asleep.
21.Someplace you’d like to go? Fjords, Denmark, Ireland/Scotland... lots of places
22.Name three people who will complete this. Mary Beth, Cindy, Wendy maybe
23.Do you own slippers? I own them, but I almost never wear them. Barefoot is so much better.
24.What color shirt are you wearing? Floral
25.Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Don't know!
26.Can you whistle? Poorly and out of tune
27.Where are you now? DH's computer
28.Would you be a pirate? No.
29.What songs do you sing in the shower? Don't sing in the shower
30.Favorite girl’s name? My daughter's
31.Favorite boy’s name? My son's. Guess it isn't the name so much as the person. Oh, and Hubby's!!
32.What is in your pocket right now? No pockets
33.Last thing that made you laugh? Groaning pun... don't remember if it was mine or hubby's
34.What vehicle do you drive? 2000 Camry.
35.Worst injury you’ve ever had? Fell down front stairs. Put a hole in the sheet rock with my head. No stitches or blood but humdinger bruises and probably torn ACL. Had surgery later.
36.Do you love where you live? I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.
37.How many TVs do you have in your house? 2 not counting computers..
38.How many computers do you have in your house? Four.
39.If you changed your job, what would it be? If I was braver, I would be an artist. I love my work, but not working.
40.If you had three wishes what would they be? Easy fitness and weight maintenance. Liking organizing and cleaning. More energy. But I don't put all that much stock in wishes!

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