Saturday, December 22, 2007

Memorial Service
DH and I attended the Memorial Service celebrating Tamara's life today.

I used two tissues, between crying and laughing.

Her stepdaughter DID find Tamara's wishes for her service. Hymns and scripture "fit" who she was, and it was a comfort. Tamara knew she was all about LOVE. These are her words which were printed for all of us to take home:

Each day must be lived as though it were my last. It took me a while to settle
down enough after my diagnosis to come to what this means. No cross words
can be left dangling, no unfortunate moments can be left unresolved. "I
love you," must be my parting words. I love you.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful parting words. What a blessing to have someone so special be a part of your life. Wow.

wenders said...

I am so sorry I forgot that this service was this weekend. Those are lovely words and express so much of who I knew of Tamara to be. I love you, mama... you were and are a good friend.