Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First my cell phone rang during a
client conference.
Afterwards, I checked messages. The first one is a client seeking assurance. Again.
The second says, "
I saw your lunch on the table as I was leaving the house, so I brought you your lunch. It is on the counter by the office coffee pot. I didn't want to think of you being hungry..It wasn't so far or anything,

Seeing as how breakfast was some grapes and leftover breakfast burrito at 8 am, and coffee was purchased at 9, it was really wonderful to have something appropriate to nourish me through to my 2 pm break.

Nobody EVER brought me my lunch before. I doubt that it was because I never forgot it, either!
As a small child, if I forgot my lunch, I lived close enough to go home and eat something while my mother told me how forgetful, disorganized, willful and disappointing I was. In Junior High, unless I had allowance with me, I did without. Mother had already totalled 3 cars by then, and I tended to agree with her excuse that "it was too
far" to drive.

Some kindnesses come late, but hardly too late.
And this one is another reason I love my husband.

1 comment:

Lori Witzel said...

Wow. What a sweetie.

I have a good 'un, too...

Feels fine when one is loved as one wishes to be loved.