Friday, February 29, 2008

Paintings in progress
I took the photos tonight in artificial light, w/o flash and none of the colors are quite true. But I think you can get the idea. Ths first is based on the drawing I did of the tulip bouquets.

This is just an abstract that I composed as I went. I'm not sure that improvisation is a good idea at this point. The only think I can say is that I managed not to bisect the canvas, and that there are a variety of rectangles. The "grey" square-ish shape at the top is actually much bluer... I may work on these and re-shoot them.
The tulips now have more shape and gradation. They seem much more three dimensional. (They need MORE, not to mention stamens and pistils!
Thank heavens for Linseed Oil. I thined some down enough to get Puppy's eyeliner to flow. I think I over worked this... it doesn't seem to have much spirit or attitude... except maybe trying too hard.
Comments welcome.


christina said...

(Haven't visited your blog for so long - too much internet, too little time. Bad me.)

I love the 'square' one and the kitty is adorable.

no way said...

I like the colors you've used in these paintings, very warm. The pink flowers with the gray background has great contrast. Nice work!

Tony LaRocca said...

The artificial light makes all of your photos look just like paintings! ;)