Sunday, March 26, 2006

Illustration Friday - Monster

I've been reading about sociopaths.
(They seem to be EVERYWHERE these days.)
While it may be an oversimplification, sociopaths do not have what the rest of us call CONSCIENCE. Conscience reminds us to be empathetic and is rooted in loving and being loved.
The absence of a conscience is not a visible flaw.


Anonymous said...

Interesting (and creepy) take on the topic!
Thanks for your comment on my blog - I missed posting too, but for a couple of weeks I felt I had nothing to say and I had very little time to illustrate anything new.. but I'm back now, hopefully with more time to participate in IF again.

Heartful said...

Creepy indeed.

carla said...

This is one that definitely must be viewd large! Her yes are vacants and the chopped off hands go perfectly with the caption! It's very eerie because it's so true! The cheerful colors add to the feeling of shock when I see the blood that came from the hands. I can see where you got the Medea connection! Good job. And yes - sociopaths are frightening.

Lee said...

wow, that is an interesting image....frightening how many real monsters there are among us...

Lori Witzel said...

Scary art.
But not as scary as someone with no empathy...

Anonymous said...

Excellent illo. Very haunting. The monster hidden beneath beauty is the scariest one of all.

Anonymous said...

OOOOhhhh, for some reason Joan Rivers just popped into my head!! LOL!! Great imagery! I really must read that book- I just started The Secret Life of Bees- but that one is on the list!

valerie walsh said...

WOW! Now this is scary! It really makes you think and there is so much symbolism! The background is so well done too! Great work!

Tony Sarrecchia said...

Wow. Very scar; more so in that there are people like her out there. Wonderful job

the musehouse said...

I never have trusted a perfect pageboy...great image

Jaimie said...

this is a very striking illustration. I'm fascinated by sociopaths too and have read quite a few books on them.
I love your interpretation of the topic.

Ellen said...

LOL! Dolls tend to be creepy out of context! There are many monsters who disquise themselves as "well bred" professionals also! I see them often!
BTW whatever happened to "Please," "excuse me" and "thank you" in our everyday language?!

Twisselman said...

Yowzah! Such an innocent-looking illustration at first. But when you enlarge it... Wonderful.

JO said...

What a cool blog! Loved your comments. Also thank you for your comments on my blogs. The inspiration for my Self Portrait,"Me A Name I Call Myself", was from a quilt I saw in a book. The qulit had little squares with people and words. I just adapted it, with little thoughts about myself, and a cartoon of me.

Suzan said...

Great illo. great take on the topic.

Michael O'Connell said...

well done… frightening to be sure…

steve said...

great statement--something that happens when you get caught up in the superficial. nice work illustrating this!

Aravis said...

This is a great concept. I loved what you had to say as well as the illustration itself. :0)