Saturday, November 08, 2014

Some Friday Nights Are Better Than Others

What could be better than spending time with family?  
Ordering in pizza, binge-watching The Outlander with my daughter and DH, and knitting!
About 6 weeks ago, Darling Daughter suggested we get together to watch Outlander.  She doesn't subscribe to STARZ and it is part of our cable package, and besides, what mother would turn down an evening with her grown daughter?  She arrived as soon after work as she could get away, bringing snacks, knitting and enthusiasm.  We settled in in front of the television, watched the national news and then switched channels to travel to England and the Highlands.
DD remembered significant plot points to help maintain DH's interest, although the producers did a great job of making the Time-Travel elements, historical intrigue(s) and interpersonal motivations clearer than I remembered from the books. 
I was pleased and surprised that DH stayed up with us for all 6 sessions we watched.
DD is going to check what episodes remain, and then we'll do it again and catch up.  (We're only to 1743, I think.)
Possibly we'll all have to plan a trip to Scotland, too.
Claire's experience of helping the women tenants wash (felt) the wool (in "hot piss" no less), was revelatory for her and for me. Give me aniline dyes and vinegar any day.
Scenery, sex, violence, politics, knitting and family:  who could ask for anything more?!!

Oh, there are patterns so you can knit the knitwear that's in the show!

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