Friday, June 21, 2013

Two Brief Yarns

I. Lost then found.
I am a creative person.  So it probably follows that I am not especially neat and that (usually) organization isn't my top priority.  But for the about 48 hours beginning Tuesday evening I was obsessing about missing two pieces of knitting:  the back,  and right front of a sweater I'm making for my granddaughter.  I looked high and low.  And Under.  I looked in the car, under the seats.  I wondered if they  had fallen out of the enormous carpet bag I call my purse.  If that were the case, where would I even call?  Starbuck's's? Bookstores"  I even texted my son to see if they stayed at his house after the hockey game.
I consoled myself by promising to start another one from scratch... after all, I've learned the pattern by now!  So I looked for the pattern book.  Guess what I couldn't find?  Guess what else I started obsessing about?
Sweater Pieces, Sweater Pattern and My Mind/My marbles.

It took me two days to find the Pattern Book.  I ordered replacement yarn.
Then I went to my granddaughter's "recital" where her mother casually mentioned that I'd left some yarn at her house.  YAY.  YAY YAY YAY

AND, as luck would have it, the yarn seller was back ordered, so I got to cancel the duplicate order.

II. Garish or gorgeous?
I was gifted with five wound hanks of "Kudo" yarn by my daughter.  She had done a swatch and determined it was just toooooo bright for her.  I adore the color combinations and think I am wild enough to enjoy wearing them... especially since I found Sandra McIver's patterns collectively known as Knit,Swirl.  Since the initial cast on is nearly 600 (!) stitches, swatching to see how the color changes work seems pretty impossible. (The swatch above is a mere 35 stitches wide.)  This yarn is now on closeout at my somewhat local, very huge yarn supplier, so I've ordered sufficient hanks to make a whole sweater.  I suppose if it really IS too crazy to wear, it will make nice place mats.

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