Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Pretty Plano Wedding

A couple of weeks ago we returned to Texas for the celebration of Kat and Adam's wedding.
They were appropriately beautiful and  handsome.
The Father of the Groom was appropriately nervous, goofy and loving.
The Groom and his Mother were charming.
This is the first wedding in a long time in which I didn't have an official role.  (Which was appreciated.)  I know that lots of couples don't endure, but I am hopeful for these two.  I like to imagine that they will look into their futures together; not overly in need of sameness or closeness, but being cooperative, supportive and enthusiastic about their individual and collective endeavors.
Dad hammed it up before the toasts.
The best thing about wedding cupcakes is that there is a variety of choices.  YUM.

The winds across the plains made the lanterns dance.
Not even the old folks rocked in the rockers, although the view was beautiful.

Got to see "old" friends as well as meet some of the participants' "old friends" who became new friends.
Partying after the rehearsal. Listening to bridesmaids' and groomsmen's toasts, boasts and stories.

Mother of the Bride. 
Simply beautiful flowers at the reception.  The wind was flowing the bottles off the tables, so eventually they ended up tucked into nooks and crannies all over the premises... which made a sort of scavenger hunt of charm.

There's always at least one goofy groomsman!

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