Thursday, July 05, 2012

House buying hassle: Learning the hard way....

Our expectations of halcyon calmness are going to have to be postponed.

We were supposed to close the deal tomorrow morning.  But today, a little before noon, our moneylender called to say that he did NOT have the exact amount that our cashiers check should be made out for.  (Making it a challenge to get to the bank to get the check!) Furthermore, "Mr. Money" said it was our fault for not getting our funds transferred from our Texas accounts to a local bank "soon enough."
However, it also turns out that neither of the "underwriters" who were authorized to sign off on the deal were available in the office.  One was apparently very much on vacation, and the other "could not be located."
Couldn't they have foreseen a problem when we CONFIRMED last week when the funds would transfer (and to where) in order that we could provide our cashier's check for the sellers and Mr Money's firm could provide the balance..
Nothing like being blamed for something nobody tells you about. That pushed our buttons, big time.

I know that mortgage companies' regulations have been tightened somewhat since 2008, but I don't see why the timing is so tight when we were already told the loan was approved.  It reminds me of when I worked for a bunch of patent attorneys.  They KNEW when the applications and revisions were "due" in Washington, D.C.  But every time (without exception in my memory), there was a big emergency rush.  Apparently if you make enough money, you don't have to plan ahead. 
I wonder if every homebuyer is made to feel suspect these days.  
So after a lot of gnashing of teeth, calling our Realtor and her talking with her office's owner/manager ALSO talking to Mr. Money, we think (maybe) we'll have an accurate number Monday so we can close then.
 I just did my own web search(es) and found pretty awful reports on Better Business Bureau sites.

Today we did a "final walk through."  The sellers are really nice and thoughtful.  I feel horrible that their smooth sailing has also been roiled up.  They left post-it notes on lots of the light switches so we know what works what.  They left the rocking chairs on the front porch and deck furniture (but not the grill!!) on the back porch. They also left toilet paper, some hand soap and a roll of paper towels.  There were a few picture hangers and light fixtures that I had hoped would "go with them,"  but it is occupant ready.

So the biggest problem remaining will be fitting 100% of our "stuff" into 66% of the space.
Unless we have to find a new lender....

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