T Bones Great American Eatery, a photo by Sultry on the road and on the move on Flickr.'
Today turned out to be a rough day. The first home we looked at won't be built until SEPTEMBER! and the "model" wasn't close to being finished either. And they were in a weirdly mixed neighborhood that consisted of old farm houses, 1950's ordinary ranch houses, double wides, and down the road, some sort of dog(?) racing track. And the main front door dumps you into the dining room.
But as always, we learned a lot and our Realtor was helpful. We then drove North to "Newmarket" New Hampshire. We'd seen a listing online that looked quite promising, although an in ground pool is NOT on our list of desired features. We drove through Kensington (which advertised an evening knitting group!!!!), East Kingston (almost missed it) and then through Exeter (which we liked) and found Newmarket. .. but once there, we drove beyond the boonies toward the listed house. Imagining how long it would take for snow plows to get there, we turned around! Just outside of town would have been great. (Some beautiful farms and large lot homes). No zoning laws in evidence!
Next, we had an appointment with a "private lender" Mortgage man about 30 miles away. We got a little lost which meant we didn't have time for "real" lunch (we made do with cheese crackers and bottled tea from a gas station). This lender seemed more optimistic about our prospects as well as more familiar with how to get loans for people who are no longer earning income.
Just after that appointment, we got a call from the Mazda dealership/service center, that the engine was "blown" and would need to be replaced. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I find it hard to believe that there is NO relation to having had the truck transported from Texas to Boston and having a) the license plate almost falling off and b) the oil pressure "gone."
DH knew the oil pressure light was on, but really, where were we going to take it/leave it when we don't know the territory and when it is "only" 17 miles. Slowly, he got it to our hotel, and the next day we called AAA to take it to a repair center.
Not sure what we are going to do (or when)... except I doubt very much that we'll take them up on their offer to drop a used engine (only 100,000 miles on it!) into the truck for "only" $2300. We found out when we were in car BUYING mode back in Texas that Blue Book is only $1000... which is what it cost to have it transported here.
Afterward that glum news, we were both ready for some comfort. Which would it be: a book store or food? To our credit, we went to Barnes and Noble first. Who knew that since people were only reading (and not purchasing) the New York Times, they couldn't be carrying it. They had two local papers that I hadn't ever heard of. The big local news, the failed service of a warrant in Greenhill, which ended up with the death of that town's Chief of Police a week before HIS retirement, had already made national news, and other local news was only that, local! AND, they didn't have the title Hubby was looking for.
So we tried (vainly) to Google or Yelp someplace to eat.
One of the things about buildings up hear is that they can be quite old (i.e. hundreds of years) AND they get HARD wear. Buildings that look decrepit by Dallas standards house local favorites. Some of the new "shiny" places are NOT tried, true or organized.
T Bones is apparently a local "chain." There are 5 of them in New Hampshire. For those of you in other US cities, it is sort of like Fridays or Applebee's, but has New England Specialties. The cream style Clam Chowder was very good (not too many potatoes!). They also had lobster mac and cheese... which you just don't find in Texas!

The opening salvo of homemade bread was terrific. Definitely "artisan" style with multi grains, minimal kneading (that is, it was TENDER), and lots of flavor.
"For more than 160 years, the name Hood® has been synonymous with fresh,
quality dairy products that taste great. Founded in 1846 in Charlestown,
Massachusetts by Harvey Perley Hood, the company has since extended its
New England roots, and today Hood is a national company distributing
dairy products throughout the United States. In fact, HP Hood LLC is now
one of the country’s largest branded dairy operators with 16
manufacturing plants throughout the United States. The company also
maintains its own research and development operation, which supports the
superior product quality and innovation that Hood customers have come
to expect."Our Realtor has to host open houses over the weekend. We are going to browse towns... maybe head to Gloucester and Marblehead or Plum Island. And watch hockey, take naps, and read.
Monday... more looking.
Oh man, too bad about the truck! I'm not up to speed on this story: are you moving from Texas to New Hampshire? (I'm from Texas. That would be a huge cultural change.)
FYI, the whale watching boat out of Gloucester is top notch. The whales came right up to the boat and the naturalist with us knew them by name.
So sorry about the truck. If it's not one thing...
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