Exploring while Waiting, or why I got lost in Lowell
This is our home while we don't have a home. It is completely adequate!This is the view from the door to the parking lot. I really like all the New England stone walls. The sign next to the wall says "pet walk." So people walk there pets here. Apparently there isn't a pick up law, so I stay on the sidewalk.
The abundance of flowering trees is amazing. I think this white one might be an apple tree. There also pink ones in full bloom which I've been told are crab apples.
The Marriott Residence Inn is at the end of a cul de sac which houses at least 10 buildings looking like corporate offices. Philips has its name on several of the buildings (they ARE diversified, too!).
Some buildings don't have a corporate name on them, so they may be "shared" by several enterprises.
I liked the logo for Polycom so much I took this photograph. They make video conferencing systems for a variety of applications.
I thought it would be a straight shot to the "Washington Art Center" in Lowell. Between rivers, one way streets, construction and an apparent prohibition on signage, I never found it. (Hubby will navigate for me tomorrow. We'll try again.
But I did find some very interesting houses/apartments on the south bank of the Merrimack River. I liked the embellishments under the triple window under the gable on this, not to mention the whimsical cupola.
I wonder if this was built before central heating, because of the ENORMOUS fire place. Again, a wild turret. There were about 15 parking spaces adjacent, which would make the apartments VERY small!
A lovingly tended garden in a vacant lot on the river side of the street.
While I was stopped at a signal, trying to figure out where I was, I saw this amazing granite "sill" and supporting decorative pieces. The decoration looked like it might be terra cotta.
STILL lost in Lowell, and shooting from the car window, I spied this multi-layered screen in a window.
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