Sunday, April 22, 2007

With a little help from my friends

This still isn't "stunning" (which is what I invariably aim for, perfectionist and optimist that I am), but it is DEFINITELY better. Many thanks to Lori and Nancy.

I forget sometimes that when you are painting something, even if you really really want it to be recognized, you can CHANGE it. Especially with photoshop, you can change it with the mere click of a mouse, or slide of a slider.

For any of you with botanical training, you'll be relieved to know that I took a dozen photographs of these this afternoon and plan to draw them over and over until I actually understand the "construction" of these frilly whimsies.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I wasn't able to comment yesterday but I wanted to tell you these are ALL great. Love the irises. I have some that color in my garden and they're blooming gang busters this year. I couldn't be more pleased. :)

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Very nice! I love the iris!

° said...

lov ur flowers here nicely done

Lori Witzel said...

Oh yeah! Now you're getting the life in the thing!

Architecturally, they are a challenge to draw, aren't they?

whackergirl said...

Please don't take my advice wrong....but you shouldn't get into the habit of improving your traditonally painted work with photoshop, unless you are ready to classify it as digital work ( no harm in that ofcourse....but maybe not what you're aiming for.) and possibly never sell the original, unaltered work.

whackergirl said...

by the is a beautiful drawing.