Thursday, March 09, 2006

Use it or fuse it?
I have been stretching.
I "should" be exercising, strength training and doing cardio. But that is just too much to contemplate. I didn't even want to deal with a real or virtual yoga instructor.

So I bought (another) book. The Way of Stretching. The subtitle is probably what sold it: Flexibility for body and mind. Boy, I am in favor of that!
Some of the claims are new-agey, and many are unsubstantiated. You can decide for yourself with an excellent summary here.

What has amazed me, is that even though I've only done a few stretches, and gently at that, I can feel muscles (AND FLEXIBILITY) I haven't felt in a long time. And I haven't been hungry.

Maybe my spine will re-align and I'll have a six-pack, instead of a six case.

Om est constitué de quatre parties, trois éléments phonétiques et un silencieux. Les 2 premiers représentent la montée du feu lumineux du Linga universel et la matrice des eaux cosmiques. Cette fusion de l'eau et du feu apparaît dans le pictogramme lui-même où une ligne courbe émerge de la forme du signe qui ressemble à un 3. Le quatrième élément, figuré par le point ou bindu sis au dessus du croissant de lune, symbolise "l'esprit absolu" du brahman (force sacrée qui oeuvre en toute chose) qui réside dans les trois autres éléments.

Le pictogramme incarne la trinité hindoue, il représente aussi le temps, passé, présent et avenir et ce qui le transcende ainsi que les trois Védas Rig, Sâma et Yajur.


Lori Witzel said...

Trust you've seen Trixi stretching?


Stretching is not overrated...a bigger range of motion makes it possible to add speed, grace and power.

Think I need to let my cats give me lessons.

wenders said...

NO idea what that French stuff menas, but I might track this book down. My shoulders were sore after trying that stretch you explained over the phone. Probably doesn't help that I keep doing it...