asked me to write about Pre-Emptive War...And this is what I wrote. Let me know if you see it in the Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Telegram or Washington Post. Or what you would have written.
Back in the dark ages, or possibly 5th grade, I was taught that The United States was a country founded with the goal of protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for its citizens.That's what I call "regular programming."
Sometimes it becomes necessary to pre-empt regular programming. Like all day on 9/11/2001.
Clamor in the Middle East, price and supply concerns about oil, and (regrettably) terrorists are now part of the status quo. But have you noticed, nobody pre-empts anything to tell us the latest oil futures price or who blew up who?
Our public servants in the House and Senate, the Armed Forces, and yes, even those in the Executive Branch of Government, need to watch, study and consult; develop diplomatic alliances; generate creative alternatives and then act in ways that maintain US citizen's lives, liberties and rights to pursue happiness.
When it is necessary to declare war because all other efforts to protect the "regular program" have failed, let the causes and goals be defined. Let it be formally declared by Congress. Let citizens be heard so they can join together in courage and honor.Let us remember that "regular program" does not include ruling the world, insisting everyone do it our way, or being so frightened that we attack our own shadows.
Sadly, my congressional representatives seem not to mind or notice that the United Statesis acting like a bully. They apparently were in such denial about environmental realities that predicted oil supply and price problems are emergencies.They apparently wanted things simple and clear-cut and easy to badly that they have no solutions for foreign trade policy complexities other than outsourcing to whomever will take the contract.They apparently think that saving face for the President is so important that it justifies the deprivation of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness at home and everywhere.
Good letter.
And you know what - our chap, Princess Tony, is no different.
As an outsider I have to say that it seemed to me that bit about protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL its citizens didn't seem to apply in New Orleans recently.....................
Preach it, Sistah!
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