Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sometimes Knitting Saves Me. Other times, it's dessert.

You know what's just around the corner, don't you? @#$%^ ing taxes.
Now there was a time when I was good at math. Notable even. Accellerated.
Organization, however, was never a strong point. Chaotic family environment = chaotic record-keeping. Yipes.

In spite of Quicken, my TI graphing calculator and a "cute" 4 function battery powered calculator with bejeweled keys that belonged to my DD when she was about 13, there is always a tremendous psychic storm when I have to do my taxes.

DH asked me if the task would be less onerous if I were making oodles of money. Probably so. At least I would have the money to be happy about.

As it is, there's precious little profit left over after expenses but multitudinous empty boxes on the tax forms, any one of which could apparently cause the IRS to come swooping down on my sweet little self like a condor on a dead rat.

So I was attempting to get my annual book-keeping records beaten into submission, transferred into report format, and ready for DH to work his compilation miracles with Turbo Tax. This would going to involve emailing files back and forth between the "his and hers" computers at our house.

Is Mercury in retrograde?
The transfer wouldn't go. Then my email refused to upload. Then DH's server held on to the file for at least an hour... when 60 minutes was all I had between my last appointment and a rendezvous with a retired MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL and knitter.

DH came home before my swivet (aka tantrum) had subsided and told me to Go. Eat. Relax. Return home cheerful.

On the way to meet with MHP + Knitter, I vented to DD by telephone, who sympathetically proclaimed, computer problems are "the worst." Bless her heart.

MHP+ Knitter listened to me vent. I'm sure she used MOST of her professional training and experience. She was a PSYCH nurse, after all! She noshed with me on killer Deli sandwiches AND dessert (Boston Cream Pie for me, Cannoli for her... yummy) and then we went to the Hand Knitters Guild.

I knit on DH's second sock. Teensy needles, teensy stitches. The tension in the knitting drained the tension between my eyebrows.

Fabulous Suzann Thompson gave a terrific talk on designing sweaters. NOT drafting patterns (a la M. Righetti) but putting color, pattern, and texture together for fun. I would never have thought of using knit fabric to quilt with. Nor would I have sewn on "about" 89 buttons on a vest for extra sass. Wall hangings, coats, pot holders, and "paintings" all emerged from pre-knit items (some by her, some from Good Will) after being sandwiched with fusible interfacing, batting and lining. Oh, and she makes Fimo buttons, too.

I was almost human by the time I arrived home.
If I get in a swivet tomorrow... I'll go knit for a while.


wenders said...

We need to get you a jump drive. And, somehow, it makes me really happy that you still use that calculator. It's a killer calculator. I think I actually got it for YOU, but stole it back for a while...

Otter said...

April 16th can't come soon enough eh?

Ginnie Hart said...

HA on Mercury Retrograde. Not yet--but next month, guess we'll need to be on our toes!