Saturday, February 18, 2006

Do you think any of our leaders have read this?
I don't.
And it's too bad.

The 33 Strategies of War, compiled by the same Robert Green that did The Laws of Power and Rules of Seduction is (so far) an entertaining, philosophical, thought-provoking and USEFUL introduction/review to why people battle and how they win. Not to mention why some people choose to win by NOT fighting... Whether you prefer Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Lausewitz or Casanova, they all won more battles than both Bushes combined.

The first chapter is about knowing yourself and facing reality.
Q. Who do you think would benefit from THAT?

The last long chapter is about dirty wars....
Read. Digest. Think. Win.

1 comment:

kat@ohmtastic said...

I just finished The Art of Seduction and it was definitely thought-provoking (no folks, it's more about psychology than getting it on!). I'll be adding this one to my reading list.